The development of the Condom

The only safe and proven way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases falls into two choices. The first is that you don’t have sex at all and the second is if you do then use a condom. It really is that simple. Don’t do it and if you do use a barrier sheath. The last thing that you want to have to do is get some Chlamydia Testing Kits London based company provide for free. Where does the condom come from?

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The idea of a barrier around the male penis to prevent the contact of sperm into the vagina is not a new one. People have been trying to find a way to do that for years. To begin with the first experiments were with sheep’s innards or stretched animal skins. If that sounds gross it’s interesting to know that they were meant to be reusable. The great lover, eroticist and spy Giocomo Casanova used them and there is a famous picture of him blowing one up ready for use on his latest object of affection.

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The discovery of rubber made this practice a lot easier and more comfortable for both parties. The ones on the market were still reusable and were as thick as a balloon. The refinement of latex is the quantum leap for the condoms as they were easy to fold in the packaging, could only be used once and allowed for a greater degree of sensitivity and comfort for both the woman and the man using them.