Know your cat better with these fun cat facts

Every cat is different, even among the same breed but knowing a little about the behaviour and biology of our furry feline friends can help us to understand our pet better. Here are some fascinating feline facts:

Cats have incredibly well-developed senses. They are able to detect higher sound frequencies than humans or dogs. They also see far better in the dark and have an amazing sense of smell.

Cats are super hunters, spending up to 8 hours hunting alone in the wild. They are able to pick up the high-pitched frequencies emitted by rodents and also use their whiskers to pick up tiny vibrations caused by prey.

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They are incredibly agile, with strong and powerful muscles. Combined with super-fast reflexes, these muscles enable them to move quickly and with grace, whether they are running, jumping, climbing or creeping up on prey.

Cats use a surprisingly large number of ways to communicate. These include common noises like purrs, meows, chirrups, growls, hisses and yowls. The posture of their body is also another key way that cats communicate how they’re feeling. Other markers that are picked up more by other animals than humans are spraying, scratching and where they go the toilet.

You might have noticed that your favourite feline is highly independent. Cats tend to be solitary creatures, being self-reliant for shelter, grooming and feeding. They can be social, but it tends to be very much on their terms. When looking for a suitable cattery for your cat, make sure he or she will be comfortable with the distance and visibility of other cats nearby. For a top Cheltenham Cattery, visit

Cats are highly territorial and will aggressively defend their patch if threatened by another cat. To mark their territory, they use methods like scratching, urine spraying and faeces depositing.

You will never find a vegetarian cat, they are very definitely meat-eaters! Eating meat is essential for cats as they cannot survive without the nutrients that are found in animal-derived foods.

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You’ll notice that your cat loves to nap, hence the saying ‘cat nap’. A domestic moggy will sleep for 12-18 hours a day to replenish energy that a predator needs to be able to stealthily hunt for prey.

It’s important to play with your cat. They are highly intelligent and require both physical and mental stimulation to remain healthy. Play helps to improve their motor skills, trains the brain and increases their comfort in social surroundings.

Cats are naturally very clean animals. They have tiny hooks on their tongues that allows them to groom their fur effectively. The act of grooming keeps their fur in good condition and helps to remove parasites and fleas.