Some innovative business models

One of the tasks that any professional business responsibilities should address periodically, whether CEO of a company in the Fortune 100, entrepreneur budding CEO of a newly created startup or CEO of an SME Director is questioning its business model, it says how it intends to operate and obtain money (or social value, in the case of an NGO). This not only [...]

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How pneumatics work

Using a system of movement around a warehouse is one of the prime objectives of the pneumatic system. It's been the saviour of many warehouses that have looked to diversify [...]

Why Retirement Is The Perfect Time To Start Afresh

While some people may think that retirement is a time to retire and start anew, others might feel that it is a time for stagnation. To avoid the latter, reframe retirement as [...]

What is the Recovery Position?

What is the recovery position? This is the position you use to stabilise an unconscious person and keep him or her still until emergency personnel arrive. There are several [...]

What level of survey for your new home do you need?

There was a move in the late noughties to start to bring about the set criterion for house surveys. Working with the Royal Chartered Institute for Surveyors, the Labour [...]

Turning your Garage into your Own Office Space

If you are now working from home full time, or even have a hybrid working model, of a few days in the office and a few at home, you might want to have a designated space in [...]

Living in a sewer is natural for these guys

If you were a turtle, where would you live? A better way to put it might be if you were a turtle that could walk and talk, where would you live? To put it a third way, where [...]

Three Signs of Drainage Problems to Look for in Your Home

Our drains are an important part of our homes. Not only do they take away our waste water, but they also help to stop the spread of many diseases, as water can be taken away [...]

Being Greener as a Company – Saving Money and the Planet

Becoming more environmentally friendly is not only essential in order to fight the climate crisis, but for businesses it can be hugely beneficial to the company too. Recently, [...]

Why Public Speaking Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect

Most people will know that presenting doesn't have to be perfect. It is true as audiences are often very forgiving. People who present their ideas or thoughts on stages [...]

Growing your Small Business and Being Seen Online – Why SEO Will Benefit You

The way that we search for a local business is a lot different in the age of the internet. More and more people now use a search engine like Google to find what they want, [...]