What Foods Are Made From Grains?

When you hear the word grain, what do you think of? Grains are typically thought of to be wheat, oats and rye. These are the most common types of grains but there are many other types of grains as well. Many people are not aware that they even have root crops like corn or sorghum, which can also be included in the category of what foods are made from grains. The grains themselves come from plants, and they usually consist of starches and sugars. They are stored in silos on farms and when required for transporting to food production facilities can be moved using Pneumatic conveying systems. Find out more at Aptech, suppliers of Pneumatic conveying systems

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There are two main functions for which grains are used in the human diet. They provide B vitamins, zinc and iron to the body, as well as providing protein. When you eat a variety of different grains, you can get a wide range of nutrients and minerals in your food.

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Whole-grain breads typically have only a few ingredients and are very low in fat, making them an excellent choice for low-carb diets. Likewise, grain tortillas, as well as different breakfast cereals and wafers, are also examples of foods made from grains. In addition to the common choices of bread and breakfast cereals, there are also a variety of snack foods such as crackers, cookies, granola bars, popcorn and so forth. Since these products contain little or no carbohydrates, they are excellent alternatives for those trying to lose weight and eat healthier. They also happen to be some of the most widely available kinds of grains today.