Domestic production business ideas from handicrafts to severe production!

You know how to work well without bosses? Can you imagine what it is the way to and from work, which occupies about one minute of time? A lunch in the kitchen? If you do not know, but want to learn, our article you will be very interesting and useful! Today we look at how each of you to start domestic production, business ideas for which so many now. But before we begin to consider them, let’s see what a good home based business!

Domestic production: A wide scope for business ideas and a huge advantage!

In addition, it has been listed in the introduction, this kind of activity, there are far more serious benefits – if you can run your business idea, and domestic production will begin to generate income, no longer want to come back to my old life. Financial independence, low-stress levels, the possibility of personal time and income planning provide great feeling.

Here is an example of his life – successfully working in this area for quite a long time, I went to the office, where he worked previously, to check on their colleagues and treat their cake at the dinner break. There I accidentally caught the very envious gaze of his former director. At first, I did not understand what causes it, but then it dawned on me – the need for the early morning through the traffic jams to get to the office, and in the evening – to the house all the time to be afraid “of rebellion on the ship” to conduct a complex accounting, tolerate scheming subordinates and state inspection … Given all this, I was even a little sorry for him. Moreover, the level of income we have with him in the near future, I am sure, it will be equal. Of course, working employee in the organization some time ago, I reported this and could not dream.

Domestic production business ideas

Possible problems with the development of home-based business!

Do not be surprised, but even when it worked, and to you first by droplets, and then a thin stream trickled down incomes – will meet some difficulties, which are peculiar only to this kind of activity. I had a chance to go through them and I hope that the inevitable. Be prepared for the following points:

  1. It is very difficult to organize their time properly. To understand when to work and when to rest, it can take up to six months. Mandatory requirement when working at home – compliance with the rules of time management, so that later do not catch me at work at 4 am and then waking hour of the day. For it is not necessary to invent anything really, all invented before us. There is a working schedule from 9 am to 18 pm and hour lunch break. What he accepted in most organizations is not in vain, because it is the most efficient and convenient for the human body. Try to just stick with it. Sooner or later you will be able to keep up with this entire time interval and with red eyes perpetually sleepy expression thing of the past.
  2. Possible friction with their families and a lack of understanding of others. Even if you are confident in the fortress of relationships with loved ones, the successful domestic production would expose them to a serious test. Why some people cannot leaving the usual work, imagine that you have exactly the same working day, with its complexities and “park the”. Get ready for the phrase: “You could have done the cleaning and cook dinner while sitting at home!” “Ha ha, it works! Affairs have a lot! “. All relatives, friends and neighbors for some reason, you will be considered incredible and rare lazy freeloader, despite the eight-hour day, and that through your credit card is growing much faster than before. When I first encountered this situation, it is my very unsettled and has hit a nerve and self-esteem. Well, that the yield was found quickly enough – bribery! Some nice gifts to your loved ones: a little larger in size than they used to! And the atmosphere in the house again acquires its former warmth and peace.
  3. At some point, you get tired of all. The man simply is arranged so that, sooner or later it all boring. Even the case, which previously enjoyed, starts to irritate. Such a feeling may well arise when working at home, especially with a lack of communication. Fortunately, when the home manufacturing business ideas have more room for maneuver than in the normal employment – then you can always change a thing do you have interests, not hateful to pull the strap. Once you begin to notice that the activity begins to weigh – just look for new variations of familiar things.
  4. The next minus is connected to the lack of social security if you have not registered your home business. However, this joke is not necessary if you want to sleep well. Get off at the good level of earnings will only be possible in the implementation of state registration, for example, as a sole proprietor. Especially because now developed several bills that would make the procedure virtually painless. In addition, it is considered the introduction of special incentives for small businesses in the form of exemption from business start-ups taxes for the first 3 years of their activity, and for 5 years, if the individual entrepreneur under the age of 30 years. Such a move, of course, can withdraw from the shadows of many representatives of home and apartment business.

That’s all the difficulties that may arise in your way. To work around them is simple enough, but if you know about them, then make it even easier. It’s time to move on from the introduction to the fun. Next, we divide the material into two parts: domestic production, business ideas for apartments, and production in a private house, where you can even develop heavy industry. Pre-warn – select for yourselves the branch where you have already gained experience. This can be a sphere, connected with your past employment or corresponding to the vital interests, or is your hobby.

Business ideas for the apartment!

All business ideas associated with hosting customers in their apartment, we will not discuss in detail, just to mention: sugaring (hair removal sugar), massages and manicures at home, hairdressing. Things like that do not require any special start-up costs. But you need to try as much as possible to isolate the operating room solely for customer visits to the feeling in her working office, and not a family bedroom or children’s room.

With regard to the business of domestic production of ideas in a flat, do not assume that the wall will serve as a kind of limitation. Remember, you are unlimited by anything except your own imagination and your skills!

For women, it would be appropriate to think about knitting and sewing their designer clothes line, decorative soap making, and the manufacture of confectionery products on order, the cultivation of exotic flowers and bonsai trees. Any of these ideas is viable and can generate income.

Men can tell – even in the face of Khrushchev’s kitchenette or balcony, you can create things which other adjectives than “unique” and “high-tech” will not pick up. I now have capabilities allow you to do almost anything you want! And gather outside table, the full countertop is mounted solar array, ordered from China, and can directly beside the couch. You’d think someone needs a desk? Yes, anyone who wants to be able to work with a laptop on the territory of private gardens, without stretching wires through the alpine gardens and garden paths. And if this table to make folding, so that it can fit in the trunk of a car? And in the hollow cylindrical legs fix industrial batteries? By the way, I probably gather it checked, as will the time, a very interesting idea!

It can be glued aquariums with unique design and deliver them in pet shops of the city. To cut the glass, and even more so, in a flat, do not have any great skill or a large number of tools. You can make narrow for vestibules, where shoes are stored vertically, or designer shelves with integrated lighting.

Regarding the marketing of products, I can say that now there are shops of interesting format – where anyone who wishes can rent a place on the shelf for a ridiculous sum in the region of 300-700 dollars month. Do not forget as well the various fairs where small rents for space and, of course, the Internet – auctions and trading platforms in the network.

With regard to the arrangement of the workshop in terms of precious and scarce square meters of housing, pay attention to the storage room and balcony. Provided Proper location of tools and equipment, they make the full workshop, I know this from experience. Jigsaw drills and produce much less noise than the ubiquitous punch. And if you put a primitive sound insulation, the neighbors may not realize that behind the wall engaged in the production. So that domestic production, business ideas in a flat are not limited to practically nothing except your own imagination and skilled hands.

Business ideas for a private house, “heavy industry” and “agriculture”!

Apartment conditions allow doing a lot, but, of course, the professional circular saw squealing and howling powerful grinder in such conditions is prohibitive. So we move on to the business ideas of domestic production in a villa, private home or even a garage – now the neighbors are not an obstacle! Again, pay attention to what is interesting for you, and in the areas where you are fledged professional service person. Do not try to be grown on an industrial scale air breathing catfish and crayfish if previously only seen them in pictures. It is relatively simple to master the production of various building blocks and panels, paving slabs and fence sections, but the competition in this field is significant, it is necessary to invent some of your “chips” to stand out from the crowd. This may be a rich color palette or unusual design in the Japanese or ancient Roman style. The same banal concrete poles for the fence sectional try to take the form of ancient columns, and the customer is sure to find you.

I was reminded today three companions, who painted the garage under furniture fronts for kitchen cabinets and automotive enamel “pearl” type and the “chameleon” and covered them with lacquer in several layers. Very expressive furniture emerged as a result of this “tuning” but found its buyer. These guys walked all the organizations in the city, where the custom cabinet furniture collected and offered them versions of their exotic facades.

Branches of production which will suit us!

Let’s list the “industrial” sector and the idea for the business in the home production:

  • Production of building materials
  • Production of the hull, wicker and upholstered furniture
  • Repair of motor vehicles
  • The organization on the site or warehouse item receiving old tires, batteries, or even scrap the contract with the need of the organization (in this case the main thing – do not turn your entire site into a huge trash, clearly define the border)

This list can be continued and expanded. I can say with confidence – they are quite easy to master. Resorting to a personal example, I would say that 10 years ago I successfully worked Upholstered furniture for senior citizens, although he was still very young boy. As an overview of the production had bought furniture stapler better and more! By the way, the case turned out to be quite simple and profitable, at least sometimes a queue of customers occurred. For those who worked in the industry and achieved results, I can clearly say – do not turn up your prices, furniture repair should be at least two to three times cheaper than a new set. Do quality work and go “effect of mouth” among your customers.

The socially vulnerable strata of the population demand for such services is quite high, and the legend that “before all do better” will encourage people to roll into a leopard velvet sofas old Soviet spring and fasten them to the chrome legs and armrests carved. I think that if the country’s economic situation is not taxied to the best for the coming year, similar services will be increasingly in demand. Once again noticed: first, work very efficiently, perhaps even with low profitability, thereby creating a name for himself. Subsequently, the first person to whom you have restored a sofa, two armchairs ask to remake, and then another, and all the soft chairs in the house, and then recommend your services to all my family and friends. Later, when the clientele forms a part, you can raise prices. This applies to all areas!

Agriculture ideas at home!

Farming as a business idea for a home-made paint can be on multiple volumes, printed in small type. If you have a private house – now open all borders to do so. For access to any dilution of breeds of domestic animals, birds, plants and fungi (mean oyster, mushrooms, etc.).

Polycarbonate greenhouses, infrared heaters make it possible to grow all you please, though the ostrich farm to organize, although there is already competition. Moreover, the State’s policy on the development of agriculture will give you some of the advantages that lie in the fact that the marketing of products from your smallholdings (private farming) received profit is not taxed. Register your own private house with the adjacent land as the PSF is not too difficult, the main thing that the area does not exceed 5,000 square meters, and worked on the site only you and the family members (i.e. attracting wage workers is prohibited). But I do not think that the regulatory authorities who will check you in-law, and who is not.

But the ability to sell their products without feeling the pressure of the tax burden, it is a very significant plus. In addition, farmers also rely more and certain on subsidies and grants. About the size of them, unfortunately, I cannot say anything – it is set by local authorities, depending on the area of residence.

Final Word with light elements of criticism and farewell!

Dear friends, we ask you not to focus on innovation! No need to look for something that is not even complaining that competition is everywhere and you do not have a place anywhere. You do not need to be limited to the existing space: even in a one-room apartment is possible to organize a profitable business. If you really want to understand what domestic production is, business ideas for its implementation are on the surface and are extremely easy to learn. Yes, do not just throw most of the work can be, you have to first do their work at night or on weekends. Do not expect a miracle – do it yourself! Then you will see how interesting will be the life!