Understanding the Thermoplastic Properties of Thermal Plasma Spray Coating

The concept and development of thermal plasma spray coating originated about 45 years ago with the application of direct contact heat in industry. It was found that high temperatures combined with a solid rough texture provided an ideal surface for deposition of fine particles on. The process is commonly used for building construction or aircraft nose cones, tanks, pipes and other metallic components. There are various advantages of using this process over other processes. Since it provides much faster set-up time than other cold spray methods, the finished products are more economical and faster to install. The use of high voltage means that there are very little operating costs involved as compared to cold spray coating. The best supplier of this service is Poeton.

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Thermal plasma spray coating methodologies include the use of both direct and indirect spraying wherein the two pass through a gas feed and then to a nozzle that deposits the material onto the desired surface. Titanium dioxide is the main active ingredient of this technique, where the temperature is maintained constant during the process. Initially, the titanium dioxide surface is sprayed with the femoral stems and then the fine particles are deposited gradually by the liquid phase into the rough surface. The femoral stems are the metallic part that is referred to in this process. This helps in the accurate application with the correct angle and the right depth.

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The process is suitable for applying both powder coating and wet paint finish coatings. In order to attain the required results, it is important to employ a high velocity plasma cutting system coupled with high temperature equipment. A low speed plasma cutting system would not be able to achieve the desired results since the fine particles would fall back in the spray stream if the pressure is too high. In addition, the high-velocity equipment helps in the controlled and consistent deposition process along with the right thickness.