Some innovative business models

One of the tasks that any professional business responsibilities should address periodically, whether CEO of a company in the Fortune 100, entrepreneur budding CEO of a newly created startup or CEO of an SME Director is questioning its business model, it says how it intends to operate and obtain money (or social value, in the case of an NGO). This not only [...]

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Learning The Art Of Sushi Making Is Easy

Try Your Hands At Such A Course If someone told you that it is easy to lær at lave sushi you might probably just laugh. After all, sushi seems to be a delicate dish which [...]

Sushi Could Be A Fun Team Building Experience

A Novel Team Building Exercise If you are looking for a fun team building exercise with a bunch of colleagues who appreciate fine dining, you could enroll them in a class [...]

Why ventilation and guttering are so important

If you want to find out more about looking after your roof, then you should know that ventilation is a key factor in the longevity of your roof. Vents are placed in the eaves [...]

Scrum Day London to be held on 11 May 2018

If you thought that scrums were something to do with rugby, you have not been paying attention to the latest trends in the world of Agile development. Image [...]

Why well-fitted shoes for a child matters

Your child’s first step counts When a child learns to walk, the first thing that comes to a parent's mind is what type of shoes she/he should wear. Shoes at this tender [...]

Simple Beauty Tips For Women: Beauty in your hands…!!

 “For me beauty is not about branded beauty products or makeup kits; it is about being self and presenting self in the best way!” Having interacted with many pretty [...]

Is It Time to Fix-Up Your Car or Trade-Up?

You've had your car for a few years, but are noticing that it has been needing multiple repairs. This last car issue is leaving you wondering if it's really worth paying for [...]

Imposing Boardroom Tables

When you are selecting a table for your boardroom, you are making a big decision. Not only is this table going to be the first thing that people see when they enter into [...]

How hosted VoIP can save you money

As VoIP becomes more mainstream, many businesses are looking to move away from their old PSTN and PABX-based phone systems to an IP-based solution that’s hosted in the [...]

Is There a Disconnect Between Catering Colleges and Professional Kitchens?

A new study has found a huge problem within the catering industry: due to a disconnect between catering colleges and professional kitchens, thousands of new chefs are choosing [...]