
Should your Elderly Parent Move in With You?

Should your elderly parent move in with you? This is a difficult question and one that must be carefully weighed up and discussed by all people involved if it [...]

The arrival of Saint Patrick in Ireland

On the seventeenth of March the whole of the western world goes Irish. Or should I say an approximation of what being Irish is.  If that was just drinking [...]

Creating a man’s capsule wardrobe

Capsule wardrobes are a great way to ensure that you are not left wondering what to wear each day and whilst you might initially think that this is for women, [...]

What causes blocked drains?

Blocked drains are incredibly frustrating. Whether this is a shower that won’t drain or a toilet that is foverflowing or perhaps a drain cover in the garden [...]

Building your own Bunker for the End of Days

With so much doom and gloom in the world, it is little wonder that preparing for the end of the world is on the rise. America has certainly embraced this with [...]

Why Do Flavourings Make Food Taste Better?

There is no doubt that flavouring of food is important, and you would be hard pressed to find a restaurant which does not have an abundance of flavourings. [...]

Christmas Present conundrums sorted!

It won’t be long until it’s that time of year again, CHRISTMAS!  All the stress and worry of what gifts and presents you are going to buy for your family [...]

Mexico Travel Basics for Tourists

When you travel to Mexico, you are in for an adventure of a lifetime. However, if you don’t understand some of the common Mexico travel basics, you may not [...]

Top Destinations for Honeymoon in 2017

Future brides and grooms-to be usually have an awful lot on their mind: there are way to many things than need to be taken care of, from wedding plans, [...]

The Most Common Aesthetic Surgery Procedures You Should Know

Aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery is an elective or optional form of surgery which individuals choose to have in order to improve their body appearance. The [...]