Some innovative business models

One of the tasks that any professional business responsibilities should address periodically, whether CEO of a company in the Fortune 100, entrepreneur budding CEO of a newly created startup or CEO of an SME Director is questioning its business model, it says how it intends to operate and obtain money (or social value, in the case of an NGO). This not only [...]

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The tales of the Tuatha De Danann

Whilst it is well known that Ireland is a country strong in the faith of the Roman Catholic church it is also well known that before this there was a rich time of belief in [...]

Ochrona statków przed działaniem korozji – główne aspekty.

Korozja jednostek pływających jest zjawiskiem powszechnym, bardzo trudnym do wyeliminowania i równocześnie przynoszącym ogromne straty finansowe, jak i potencjalnie [...]

Interesting facts about timber

Have you ever been searching around a Southampton Timber Merchants such as and marvelled in the sheer volume of woods that are available for you to [...]

Five reasons why it’s better to rent than buy a house

There is much debate about whether you should buy or rent property, with some seeing renting as throwing away money, whilst others see owning a house as a money pit. [...]

What’s on telly tonight?

Born in 1978, I often wonder what my older siblings would have been watching on TV while our mum fussed over the new addition to the family. TV was a central part of family [...]

Adding value to your home with a modern heating system

You buy a home to live in rather than considering what it will be worth when you eventually sell it. However, the value of your property is an important factor and when [...]

Bringing technology into a classroom can cause an issue

Mobile devices provide unlimited possibilities for learning and are excellent educational tools for students and educators alike. However, each technological innovation can [...]

Tips on How to Clean Laminate Wood Flooring

Laminate wood flooring has been around for many years and is gaining popularity in homes all over the country. If you are looking to get a new floor covering, you might want [...]

The History of Diesel Clothing

History of Diesel clothing is a rich one, with the company being founded back in 1970. Since then, they have grown to become one of the top manufacturers and retailers of [...]

What are the technologies that underpin fuel card services?

Fuel cards first appeared, in name, in the 1980s but they offered few benefits and little security. Smart cards and smart self-service pumps have brought big changes. They now [...]