Fun Facts About Dishwashers

The dishwasher is a kitchen appliance that saves time and effort every day. It allows us to complete one of our least favourite tasks by simply pressing a button. What do you know about this innovative appliance that offers us such convenience?

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Here are a few facts about this hero appliance:

  1. The first commercial dishwasher was created in 1887
    Josephine Cochran designed and built the first commercial dishwasher, which was the result of several failed hand-operated inventions. She is the granddaughter of steamboat inventor Jon Fitch. The contraption, originally named Lavadora and unveiled in Chicago World Fair 1893, consisted of a wooden wheel placed in a boiler made from copper with compartments to hold the dishes. The wheel was turned by a pulley, and then soapy water would be sprayed into it. Restaurants and hotels adopted the product and it became a part of kitchen history.
  2. Motorised dishwashers did not appear until 1920
    Due to technological advances and permanent plumbing, it took until the 1920s to see the first motor-powered top-loading dishwashing machine. Due to the economic collapse and World War II that followed, these dishwashers were not widely available until the 1950s.

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3. Modern dishwashers use only 1/10 the water that is used for hand washing.
According to various reports, hand-washing dishes in an average household consumes 100 litres per cycle. This is a significant difference compared to a Fully Integrated Dishwasher Erith which uses 9.2 litres of water per cycle. Find out more at

4. Dishwashers can be recycled almost entirely
Dishwashers can be manufactured with sustainability in both disposal and use in mind, thanks to advances in material engineering and manufacturing. Metals, plastics, and paper are all recycled, reducing product waste to a minimum.