Watch for these Digital Security Trends

A number of high-profile data breaches happened including one in the NHS, continuing the conversation over the importance of data security and increasing the public pressure for consequences for those who fail to secure private data.


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With this increasing need and new challenges for security experts come a host of changes for the coming years reflecting new and emerging technologies. Here are some of the predicted changes to digital security for 2019/2020 and beyond.

Skills Required for Cybersecurity Will Change

While there is no doubt that there will continue to be a substantial demand for ‘traditional’ security experts, the continued prevalence of ‘big data’, especially in detecting and analysing breaches, will introduce new requirements for security experts.

In essence, there is likely to be crossover between data scientists and security experts, with experts needing to learn how to model and automate the analysis of vast amounts of collected data in order to more effectively do their jobs.

Businesses Will Need to Ensure Cloud Security

Over the past number of years, offloading storage and services to cloud suppliers has been a major trend across industries. However, the GDPR and other regulations make the company storing the data liable for its security, even if they have it stored off-site. 

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This means that technologies such as data telemetrics to ensure correct security and access control will become more important than before.

Detection May Trump Prevention

There is a feeling in the industry that once you have proper security in place, including endpoint security the returns gained from continued security investment will drop down to almost nothing. Security is key when it comes to your computer needs so maybe also have a look at anti virus software that will protect you from bugs almost like an online Security Seal.  A security seal can be sourced from sites including acmeseals
Therefore, investment needs to be in correctly detecting and responding to breaches that do happen. Since not every threat will be stopped, regardless of how much effort is put in, being able to rapidly detect a breach and lock down data to minimize loss and liability will become key.

Reliance on Digitization Will Drive Demand for Security

With core public services being increasingly digitized, including power, traffic management and air traffic control, security breaches have more potential to cause real-world harm than ever before.

This means that providers for these industries will potentially be liable for injury or deaths caused by security failures of their products, increasing the need for digital security.