Things you should clean but probably forget to

When it comes to cleaning, most of us do the bare minimum to avoid living in a pigsty. We can all think of far better things to do with our time than scrubbing, so we’re all on a mission to find shortcuts and life hacks to make this chore easier. However, there are some things around the home that we should really clean from time to time that are often overlooked. Here are some of those things:

Remote Controls – These are handled daily and often by multiple people. This means they are covered in germs and bacteria. Try to remember to wipe them down with an antibacterial wipe at least once a week.

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Outdoor lighting – These fixtures are not often part of the regular cleaning schedule but can quickly become covered in grime and dirt from the elements. Being a source of heat, they can also attract pests like rodents. Wipe them down so the light shines brighter and carry out some quick checks for bug infestations or rodent nests.

Fridge – How many times is your fridge door opened and closed daily? In a busy household, probably a lot! The handles should be wiped weekly and also consider that fridges are likely to experience spills and leaks, so be sure they aren’t gross bacteria lurking in mouldy old patches at the back and on the shelves.

Jewellery – All types of jewellery are worn very close to the skin but are not regularly included in any cleaning schedule. Baking soda, warm water and a gentle soap are simple ways to tackle this job. For larger quantities of jewellery, consider an ultrasonic cleaner that removes dirt and tarnishes in an effective but gentle manner. For more information on Anilox Cleaning Equipment, go to

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Computer Keyboard – Along with mobile phones, keyboards are another item that experience heavy touch usage. If you eat while you type, there will also be food crumbs between the keys as well as hair, dead skin cells and a ton of germs! Consider a monthly clean using compressed air and cotton buds.

Washing machine – Just because we wash our clothes regularly doesn’t mean the washing machine is getting cleaned at the same time. The damp environment can lead to a mould build up which also results in unpleasant odours too. Run a cycle of hot water and bleach monthly.