How to Prevent Your Dishwasher From Clogging

This is one question that is commonly asked by home owners across the country. Most dishwashers come with a self-cleaning cycle, however not all do and dishwashers that do have self-cleaning cycles should be routinely serviced and cleaned according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Some dishwashers can clog up even if they are working properly and some of these have been known to stop working completely while in the process of cleaning. Here is what you need to know.

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In most cases the clog is caused by a lack of circulation in the pipes. Clogs are caused by any number of things including food particles and dust, but often food and grease cause clogs. Clogged drains can also occur as a result of overfilling the appliance. These items all make poor circulation and over time will clog up your dishwasher even if it is working normally. For repair and parts, consider Copper Pipe Fittings from a site like Watkins and Powis

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What you can do to prevent a clog in your dishwasher is to periodically open up the drain line or turn off the water to the sink while washing dishes to unclog a clog. If you do not have a self-cleaning cycle then you should still regularly empty the filter once a week and use a cup strainer to strain all the hard water and grit out of it. Finally, you should test your dishwasher each month for signs of a clog. A slow water flow from your dishwasher may indicate that a filter or drainage system needs to be replaced.