Got a blocked drain? These things could be causing it

A blocked drain can lead to a range of issues and can cause a lot of damage. Water can back up, not only causing flooding but also unpleasant odours. Drainage problems can result in slow or stagnant water flow, potentially damaging to pipes.

According to a report by Direct Line, “Over half of Brits (59 per cent) admit to deliberately using their toilets, drains and sinks as bins”  We take a look at 5 common items which can lead to blocked drains.

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1. Children’s Toys

Toys can be accidentally dropped or flushed down toilets. Their size and shape mean they can be lodged within the pipe network, making it extremely difficult to remove. CCTV drainage surveys Alcester will then be required to locate the blockage so that it can be cleared.

2. Bath Salts

Did you know that bath salts do not fully dissolve? Instead, the salts which contain oils, minerals and other substances accumulate within the pipes over time. This residue from the bath salts builds up, eventually leading to clogs and reduced water flow.

3. Soap

Soap, especially liquid soap, is one of the main culprits when it comes to blocked drains. We often use more liquid soap than is necessary, with much of it sliding straight down the plug hole before we have had a chance to use it.

The gooey, soapy blobs attract other debris, such as hair and oils. The soap acts like a glue which holds things together, restricting the water flow. You will then need CCTV drainage surveys in Alcester in order to identify where the problem is located.

4. Coffee

Instant coffee doesn’t tend to cause a problem, as it usually dissolves. Ground coffee is another matter. The grounds accumulate in pipes, especially at the bends, clumping together and creating obstructions.

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5. Cotton Buds

Cotton buds pose a significant risk for drain blockages due to their small size. Easily dropped down plug holes, these non-biodegradable items eventually become wedged in the pipe network and tangled with other debris, causing obstructions.