The beginnings of the Red Cross in Britain.

The Red Cross began as an organisation in 1863. It was formed in Switzerland following the start of the Franco-Prussian War. This was to be an ongoing and bloody conflict, lasting 6 years, that would see multiple casualties and injuries. The use of ranged weaponry such as Cannon and musket/rifles resulted in an increase. In 1870, as the war began, the British Red Cross was formed as a response to aid those that had been wounded and injured in War. They would be in battle to assist, giving field dressings and care as soon as the injury occurred but would not fight themselves. They were identified with a Red cross on a white background so that they could be seen and not fired at.  Despite the fact that Britain was not militarily involved in the conflict the organisation, and others, went to administer aid.

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They would not have needed to worry about Medical Indemnity, however you will if you are skilled in First Aid and resuscitation. This is where comes in. You will need to be protected in this litigious world.

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By 1905 the organisation was given its Royal Charter and seen as the primary conflict caregiver. This was timely as in nine years time it would face it’s greatest challenge yet as the First World war began. They worked closely with St John’s Ambulance to form the Voluntary Aid Detachments, a true life line in the conflict.