Sharks teeth are the teeth of terror.

Oh dear. I’ve already fallen into the stereotypical trap of making out that sharks are a terrifying creature that’s only intent is to eat humans when they are out swimming in the water. Mr Spielberg’s film, and its lame sequels, have certainly given us the wrong impression of this magnificent fish many of which are now on the endangered list, including the Great White featured in the Jaws films. Sharks teeth are so amazing you can bet that if they could go to the dentist they would choose one that had made sure they had excellent Dental Equipment Suppliers like those found at

Ok. To be fair you would not wish to antagonise a shark as they are one of the deadliest, the meat-eating ones at least, predators in the sea. Their entire body has been honed by nature to hunt and kill their prey (not humans). This is especially true when it’s come to their teeth. They are incredible sharp and are capable of scything into the prey penetrating skin and shell. This depends on the shark type. They range from a thick flat type to the more well-known needle like and the razor-sharp variety. To help with this the jaws of the shark work independently of each other. The lower jaw sinks into the prey and then the top half follows up. The Shark then toss the prey back and forth ripping out chunks of the prey which it then decides to swallow in big lumps. This is why it’s sharp teeth are needed to stab and hold on to the prey. Scary indeed, if you are a fish, an invertebrate, a seal or sea lion. Please note that humans are not on the list. Sharks only attack humans if they think they are a sea lion or seal and from below the shape of a surf board suggests that they are. Sharks are more likely to pick off easy food, they are really quite an opportunist bunch.

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One of the most interesting features of shark teeth is that they never run out of them. If one comes loose then via a neat biological rotation system another come through and takes its place. This means it has a ready arsenal of white doom ready to unleash on its more tougher prey. It’s quite amazing to think that they will get through thirty-five thousand of them during their lifetime. They are so sharp and useful that we as humans have found a use for them. Not for only decorative purpose, thought this is frowned upon as the sharks are caught deliberately for that purpose not helping the endangered status. Our ancestors recognised their real usefulness using them in wood as rudimentary saws, tools and for unpleasant weapons. Therefore, there’s more chance of a shark getting its teeth into you that way than an actual living shark doing it.